Guerpillon measuring apparatus
In 1981, I had to manage the electric spare parts of the factory
Reckitt and Colman
in Chartres (28 Eure et Loir - France. In the store, top of a rack, I found this measuring
apparatus. The electricians indicated me that these apparatus came from the old factory
and that they were in the store since twenty years. I asked Jean-Louis TOURNAY, electrician,
to throw them to garbage, then I went to do some administrative work in my office. After one
hour, I had some remorses and I asked to Jean-Louis what he had done of the measuring
apparatus. "I delicately deposited them in the refuse collecting tank" he answered me.
To my request, It went to recover them and since then, these two apparatus appear in a good place in
my souvenirs collection.
Guerpillon measuring apparatus
In this time, the dials were made by hand.
Chauvin & Arnoux measuring apparatus
Found in secondhand trades.